Adoption Support

Thank you, so much, for your consideration in supporting us to rescue a child. There are a couple of ways that you can support us.


We serve a great God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and He “is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

So, first and foremost, we’d ask that you would please pray for us (continually) in the following ways:

  1. That God would be glorified in and through this entire process
  2. That God would strengthen and uphold Aubrey and my marriage and family
  3. That God would provide the means for us to rescue a child
  4. That God would protect both the mother and the child during this time
  5. That God would have mercy on and save the birth mother and father if they do not yet know Jesus
  6. That God would fully equip us and prepare us to lay down our lives for the sake of the Gospel, to proclaim His truth and raise all of our children, including our new baby, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and to be used by God for His glory and glory of His Kingdom.


We have paid some of the costs and raised some of the funds, but we are not quite there yet. I will try to update this page soon with specifics. For now, if you would like to give monetarily, please send checks to:

Grace Community Church
ATTN: Franzone Adoption
1114 Olive Road
Pensacola, FL 32514

* Please note in the memo section (Franzone Adoption)

Or you can just plop some (much needed) help into our PayPal account:


Many of you may already shop at If you would be so kind as to click the link here, and then do your Amazon shopping we’ll get a small kick-back that we can apply towards adoption expenses.

FULL DISCLOSURE NOTE: This is what is called affiliate advertising. Basically, I’m advertising for Amazon in exchange for a small percentage of each purchase made through the link above.

Spread the Word

Tell your friends, share on social media and the internet. Sign up for the newsletter, forward the newsletter to friends and family. We believe that this is Kingdom work and would like citizens of the Kingdom to be involved, not just in supporting us financially, but in rejoicing with us and partnering with us as we strive to do God’s work.

God Bless!