2023 New Year’s Resolutions

Looking back on last year’s resolutions, I am tempted to simply link to that post and be done. My resolutions for this year are largely the same. The reason I enjoy making resolutions every year is that I don’t like the idea of staying the same. Christians are called to live a life of sanctification, becoming more and more like Christ with each passing day. We are not to stagnate. Therefore, I look at the blank canopy of a new year with enthusiasm for what God has in store for me and my family, and how I can work alongside the Holy Spirit in living my life more for the glory of God and His Kingdom.


If I become more like Christ this year, then I could fail at every other resolution and still be better off. So I begin with a focus on faith and the Christian walk.

Bible Reading

Every year I embark on a Bible reading plan. This year I am utilizing the 52-Week Bible Reading Plan found on the Ligonier website. I will be sticking with the Legacy Standard Bible this year. They finally released a version in Logos, which means it’ll be more integrated with all of my other Bible activities (notes, etc).

This Bible reading plan goes through the Bible in a year with each day of the week dedicated to a different genre: epistles, the law, history, Psalms, poetry, prophecy, and Gospels. This plan should give me some variety in my daily reading.


Along with my daily Bible reading, I also like to include the following in my routine:

  • Read through my resolutions. Not these New Year’s Resolutions. I have a list of personal resolutions similar to Jonathan Edwards’ that I keep.
  • Gratitude Journal
  • Scripture meditation
  • Scripture memory
  • Prayer
  • Devotional reading (I usually use TableTalk magazine for this)


God willing, I am on schedule to finally graduate from seminary. I’ve been attending The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary since the summer of 2015. I’ve taken some breaks and am just doing one class at a time, so it has taken considerably longer than usual. I have enjoyed the journey and have learned loads. If all goes well, I should graduate in December of 2023.


Last year I read 36 books of my target goal of 50. However, that included Through New Eyes by James B. Jordan, which should count as at least 5 books (because it is so good). I have several books that will roll over from last year because I didn’t finish them, including The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

Physical Fitness

No list of New Year’s Resolutions would be complete without the ubiquitous “lose weight”! And I definitely need to lose weight. My goal will be to run at least 3 times a week and cross-train at least 3 times a week. I also plan on eating better, which will be more whole foods (meats, vegetables, and fruits) and less processed sugar and carbs. I think I will also try intermittent fasting again.

The above paragraph is verbatim copied from last year. This year I’ve started with a goal to just do as many burpees as I can in one session at least three times a week.


This year I’ll just be happy to be able to feed my children. Thank you, Great Reset! Thank you, Joe Biden! Thank you, World Economic Forum and all of the globalist cabal of God-hating wackadoodles!


My daughter, Ragan, and I started a podcast last year focused on writing our first novels. It’s called Writing on Caffeine. My resolutions concerning writing are two-fold. First, I am resolved to finish the first draft of my first novel by the end of the year. Second, I am resolved to write at least 500 words a day, which should lend itself to finishing the novel.

Soli Deo Gloria

Hopefully, my goal in all these things is to bring honor and glory to my God and King. To the glory of God alone!