I consider myself to be an avid reader and I like to have a reading plan. This past year (2018) I had a few books planned, but I mostly just rambled through a bunch of books at random. This year I want to be more thoughtful and plan out what I will be reading. I generally read more than 10 books per year, but this will be a good basis to start from. This list is heavy on the Family & Parenting side (you know, since it’s a family blog and all).
The Bible (NIV)
Read by David Suchet
I try to get through the Bible every year. I don’t always make it through, but I want desire to be continually soaking in God’s Word. Last year I spotted this reading by David Suchet (the actor who plays Hercule Poirot) and I thought it would be an interesting change for 2019. For those who care, I actually prefer the ESV version… but it’s David Suchet!
Love and Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs
by Emerson Eggerichs PhD
I’ve heard great things about this book on marriage. I was just recently listening to Douglas Wilson’s podcast wherein he recommended it for married couples or those considering marriage. That sealed the deal for me!
Federal Husband
by Douglas Wilson
Speaking of Douglas Wilson, I’ve had my eye on this book for a number of years. I think the only thing that has held me back is that many have said that “it hurts” a little to read. I know I could be so much better at being a husband so I’ll be reading this alongside my New Year’s goal of being a better husband.
The Intimate Marriage
by R.C. Sproul
I love Sproul, but surprisingly I haven’t read too many of his books… and he wrote a lot of books. Over and above this list I do plan on reading more of R.C. Sproul.
Parenting by God’s Promises: How to Raise Children in the Covenant of Grace
by Joel R. Beeke
I bought this book (in hardcover!) a long time ago, but have yet to read it. It’s one of the books sitting on my shelves that I plan to dust off and finally read this year.
Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God
by Timothy Keller
This is a fairly new book by Keller and I’ve heard great things about it. One of the areas I can ALWAYS improve on is prayer.
The Institutes of the Christian Religion
by John Calvin
This another one of my hardcover books sitting on the shelf. I’ve used this book on multiple occasions more like a reference volume on specific theological issues. It’s really good reading, though, and I’ve always wanted to work my way through the entire thing.
The Silmarillion
by J.R.R. Tolkien
I have a friend who has said that this is his absolute favorite work by Tolkien… and I’ve never read it! Well, I think this is the year. I even have a nice collector’s edition hardcover.
The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
by J.R.R. Tolkien
Since we’re talking about J.R.R. Tolkien, I plan on reading The Hobbit and all three books in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Yeah, I know, I’m cheating on the accounting with this listing. It’s technically four books, but it’s really all the same story.
Dodge City: Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and the Wickedest Town in the American West
by Tom Clavin
This is a book that my lovely wife bought me for Christmas last year. I started reading it and truly loved the style of the book, but I didn’t get too far and had to put it down for other things.
What Will You Read in 2019?
Are you a reader? If so, what are you planning on reading this year? If not, try making it through at least one good book! You’ll be surprised at how great it feels. If you’re not too keen on the actual activity of reading, you can always try an audiobook. Let me know in the comments what you are reading.