Bible Reading Plan for 2018

I usually try to pick a plan to read the Bible through during each year. I’ve used several different plans over the years, my favorite being the Tabletalk Bible Reading plan from Ligonier Ministries. However, this year I had some special requirements that I wanted to try out. I could not find a plan that matched what I wanted, so I created my own.

Following this plan will get you through the Psalms twice, Proverbs about once a month and the entire Bible once. Each day should follow this set of readings:

  1. Read/Pray a Psalm. Start with Psalm 1 on January 1st. Keep track of which Psalm you are on. After reading/praying through all of the Psalms start back at the beginning with Psalm 1.
  2. Read Proverbs. Read the chapter in Proverbs that matches the date (i.e. Read Proverbs 1 on January 1st).
  3. Read the Bible reading for the day and mark it off the list.

NOTE: I highly recommend using Donald Whitney’s method of Praying the Bible.

NOTE 2: If you wanted to break up the reading, you could move the Proverbs reading to the evening right before bedtime.

Download Franzone Bible Reading 2018 (PDF)