Husbands, Praise Your Wife!

A couple had been married for 50 years, and one day, the wife turned to her husband and said, “You know, we’ve been married for so long, but you never tell me that you love me. Why is that?”

The husband looked at her and said, “Well, I told you I loved you on our wedding day, didn’t I?”

“Yes, but that was 50 years ago!” the wife replied.

The husband nodded and said, “Well, if anything changes, I’ll let you know.”

Wives Need to be Loved

It should go without saying that husbands need to love their wives, but if it didn’t need to be said, the Apostle Paul wouldn’t have included it in his letter to the Ephesians. “Husband, love your wives (Ephesians 5:25).”

It is true that you must truly love your wife. But I would like to go beyond that. In order to truly love your wife, she must feel loved.

If someone were to ask your wife if you loved her, there should be no delay in her affirmative response. There should be no questions, “Well, I know he loves me… even if he doesn’t say it that often.

Later in the same passage, Paul explains that wives should be cherished.

  • Does your wife feel like you cherish her?
  • Is she the apple of your eye?
  • Do you only have eyes for her?

The joke above is funny because it has a ring of truth to it. We men often fail (I know I do) at verbally loving our wives (with our words). Below are some examples to help get you and me started on a journey of verbally praising our wives.

10 Useful Tips to Help Praise Your Wife

  1. Be Specific with Compliments: Instead of general statements like “You’re great,” focus on specific qualities or actions. For example, “I really appreciate how you always make our home feel so warm and welcoming.”
  2. Praise Her Efforts, Not Just Results: Acknowledge the hard work she puts into things, even if the outcome isn’t perfect. “I noticed how much effort you put into that project; your dedication is inspiring.”
  3. Express Appreciation Regularly: Make it a habit to verbally appreciate her daily. Even small acknowledgments like, “Thank you for always being there for me,” can make a big difference.
  4. Highlight Her Inner Qualities: Compliment her character traits, such as kindness, patience, or strength. “Your kindness towards others is one of the things I admire most about you.”
  5. Celebrate Her Accomplishments: Whether big or small, acknowledge her achievements. “I’m so grateful for the time you pour into teaching our children. Your efforts truly have an eternal impact!”
  6. Be Sincere and Genuine: Make sure your words come from the heart. Authentic praise resonates more deeply than generic or forced compliments.
  7. Praise Her Appearance Thoughtfully: Compliment her looks, but do so in a way that makes her feel valued beyond her appearance. “You look stunning today, but it’s your smile that truly lights up the room.”
  8. Acknowledge Her Role in Your Life: Recognize the impact she has on your life and well-being. “I’m so grateful to have you by my side; you make my life better in so many ways.”
  9. Praise Her in Front of Others: Complimenting her publicly, whether in front of friends or family, shows that you’re proud of her. “She has such a generous heart and always finds ways to bless those around her.”
  10. Encourage Her with Words of Faith: Use words that support her spiritual growth and commitment. “I admire your gentle and quiet spirit. It’s a precious gift, and I’m so blessed to see how you reflect God’s love through it.”

Bonus Tip

Feel free to throw in some silliness and humor. G.K. Chesterton once said, “Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly.”

Hey Babe, Jesus made water into wine, but he made you into fine!